
In response to NAIC Suitability Model Regulation (2010) and Revised Model Regulation (2020) Requirements, Security Benefit Life Insurance Company works with RegEd to deliver online required annuity product training. Prior to going to the RegEd website you must be appointed, with Security Benefit. Once appointed, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the RegEd website.
  2. On your first visit to the RegEd/IRI Annuities Training Platform, you'll need to register on the site. To do so, select the "Register online" link under the "Producers Get Started" section on the right side of the page.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration questions, accept the Terms of Service, and select the Register button. At this point you are now registered to log in for annuity training.
  4. To log in for annuity training after self-registration, visit RegEd and enter your login name and password selected. To complete training, select the button "Security Benefit Annuity Product Training" located on the left-hand side.
  5. From the list, select the product training and begin the course. You will want to complete the product specific training and the "Security Benefit Fundamentals of Deferred Annuities".
  6. Once you have completed the training, Security Benefit will be automatically notified by RegEd. You do not need to send us any of the information. We do advise you to keep a copy of your completed training for your own personal records.

RegEd also offers the required general 4-hour CE training on its website and the 1-hour supplemental training that incorporates the best interest aspects of the Revised Model Regulation.

If you have taken the general 4-hour CE training, or the 1-hour Revised Model Regulation supplemental training from a company other than RegEd, please send a copy of your certificate from the training provider to Security Benefit Life. You may email it to or fax it to 785.368.1374.

If you are seeking to be appointed, proof of completion of all required courses is needed prior to appointment activation and prior to solicitation of any new annuity applications.

Please note the group fixed annuity issued by Security Benefit Life that is part of various employer-sponsored retirement plans, including SFR and VEBA, is exempt from the training requirements of the NAIC model regulation.

In addition, if you have questions about any product feature and/or conditions or limitations of a product, you may contact your sales team at 800.747.5164 option 3 and they will be happy to answer your questions.

Producers must complete the required training before soliciting an annuity application.
